Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Protection on the beach

CHEMTHANE 7000, a spray applied polyurethane 'hard coat' from Chemline, has been used to protect a sculpted foam sculpture forming part of Beaufort, a European Union-sponsored art exhibition.

Beaufort is a unique art exhibit created for Belgium's North Sea resort beaches and amongst the many works of art both on land and anchored in the water is a sculpture by Santiago DeWaele.

He used lightweight expanded polystyrene (EPS, aka Styrofoamâ„¢) to create a huge sand sculpture on one beach in Oostende, commenting: "My sculptures are meant to be enjoyed by the public. I chose a sand-man sculpture because I wanted people to play with the display."

The artwork was then given a coating of CHEMTHANE 7000, both for its reputation as a fast-set spray application and to protect the sculpture from constant exposure to the elements and the scratches, abrasions and impact damage of people climbing all over it.

CHEMTHANE 7000 is a two-component polyurethane spray applied directly over expanded polystyrene and forms a hard, chemical, moisture and fire retardant shell.

The sprayed part can be handled within seconds of being treated, the speed of the process - according to Chemline - meaning that carved or cut foam parts can be produced faster than using fibreglass, wood or other materials.

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